Thursday, October 23, 2008

Health Kauai Sis

Hello to my three readers! It's blogger time! Wow, as I'm writing this, I'm watching ER and Angela Bassett just whupped a guy trying to mug her. Wooohooooo, awesome! I'm sad that ER is in its last season, it's such an amazing program. I'm not a fan of Grey's Anatomy because I'm not into sex operas much. I did try watching it during the first season, but lasted only a few episodes. McDreamy was not MyDreamy and all I could think while watching Dr. Grey is "Does she think letting her mouth hang open is sexy?"

Speaking of doctors, this week I'm seriously wondering if going to the doctor and having him "scope" you is like taking your car to a mechanic and noticing more problems after he "fixes" your car. I was diagnosed with acid reflux and oddly, although I never had obvious symptoms before, suddenly I've got heartburn and bloating. Hmph! Did the doctor remove a screw somewhere in my stomach?! Or switch on my acid valve maybe? Veerrrry suspicious and frustrating. It could be I'm unconsciously stressed after learning my diagnosis, thus giving myself heartburn. I did take 3 doses of the prescribed Prilosec and maybe THAT evil drug did this to me. I decided I don't want to be sentenced to a lifetime of any medication, so I plan to look for something naturopathic. I should go and see Dr. Melead, my naturopathic doctor, but I'm feeling poor right now (Financial Kauai Sis) and HMSA doesn't cover naturopathics. Silly of them, they would probably save a ton of money if they did.

When I was diagnosed with osteoporosis, I was prescribed Fosamax by my medical doctor. Dr. Melead, however, said nooooooo, don't take that. She told me what kind of calcium to take among other advice, and two years later, my second scan showed no change. Meanwhile bad things are surfacing concerning Fosamax. Dr. Kheng, my current medical physician, said "Good, just keep doing what you're doing!" (Which means I should get back to exercising...uh oh!) Hmm, think of all that money I saved HMSA by not buying Fosamax!

I voted yesterday! Yaaaay, first time I've voted early. I had to take Jordan to Special Olympics bowling practice in Lihue. I have a need to justify any trip out of my cave, so voting was part of my multitasking, as well as getting Costco gas.

I also went to the library to pick up some material I ordered. One of these was a DVD of "Circle of Friends", the movie based on Maeve Binchy's novel. I wonder how a writer feels when their masterpiece is reduced to a 2 hour (probably less) piece of drivel? Binchy is known for cleverly weaving multiple compelling stories of related characters into her novels. The movie over-stripped down the plots and thinned out the characters to the bare minimum. As if that weren't bad enough, the producers decided that despite the fact that Ms. Binchy is a bestselling novelist who's written dozens of popular books read by millions, her book needed the help of their brilliant insight into what sells movies: sex. Never mind that her book conveyed the contrasts between rural and urban life, the tensions between Protestants and Catholics, and the heartwarming and amusing character studies of a small Irish town. The average moviegoer would never appreciate those subtleties, oh no. Just give 'em sex, they'll understand that.

What can I say, ER is leaving, Grey's is staying....maybe those producers aren't wrong.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

In Preparation for a Bad Day

I have had my last meal. Arrrrrgh!!! Tomorrow will be a very unpleasant day for me: no solid foods, clear liquids only. What's worse than that? I have two words for you: Fleet Phophosoda. Yep, tomorrow at this time I'll be cleaned out for my colonoscopy Thursday. Yuck yuck YUCK. And one more YUCK!

I've been through this once before...about 8 years ago or so, not sure (see "Age Activated Attention Deficit Disorder" blog post below). What I DO remember is that the Preparation Day is ten times worse than the actual colonoscopy. I try to be positive so I'm telling myself in 36 hours I'll be done with this thing for another few years. AND I'll have a good excuse to stuff my face afterwards too. Yaaaay!

I have to cut this short, but I just wanted to point you to, a client of IMMG. It offers free 2 gigs of media storage space. What's more, you can Media Share your music, photos, and videos and view other users' shared files, comment on them, etc. I like the simplicity of the website and how you can have your own homepage with all your files at your fingertips. This website was created with the intention of helping people store important and irreplaceable media files in case the unthinkable happens (fire, hurricane, etc.). For instance, they recommend photographing or making a video of your valuables for insurance purposes and uploading it store online. Another great service is media CONVERSION. If you have old videotapes and want to put it on DVD, for example, you can send it to them to convert. Reasonable pricing! Anyway, check it out and sign up for a free account. I love how simple it was to sign up. They don't ask for personal details at all, just username and password, basically. Oh and they have a referral program. Cha-ching!

Ok, back to work. Or should I play Tetris?
Orrrrr should I eat another last meal before bedtime?

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Financial Kauai Sis

Oops I did it again, I let over a week pass without blogging. Omigod, how will I keep my loyal readers this way? Those three will desert me!!

I shouldn't be blogging this week because I'm supposed to be WORKING. I have a craft fair on Saturday: Matsuri Festival at the Kauai Convention Hall. I've also been given some work online after a dry spell. As they say, "When it rains it pours!"

I'm perverted, I really am. Whenever I have a ton of work to do I tend to get right down to business playing Tetris...and now writing on my blog.

I've been debating whether or not to mention last night's debate. You know what they say about not discussing religion and politics. [Have you noticed how much I cite what THEY say? I'LL just say it shows that I'm a good listener!]. Anyway, I did watch the debate even though I didn't care to. At one point I turned to Leonard and said, "Aw, I'm starting to feel sorry for John McCain!" But no, I won't give him the pity vote like some people give Cloris Leachman. I won't go into anymore details, but I do suggest you visit to cut through any bull that was dished out. This is important enough to mention, however, because many people might actually believe Mr. McCain when he took credit for the idea of bailing out homeowners. This idea is already part of the bailout plan and Obama had mentioned a similar plan two weeks ago. Gomer Pyle would say, "Shame, shame, SHAME, John McCain!"

So how are you all faring in this financial crisis? It's supposed to get worse. If nothing else, it may finally force people to realize what's truly important in life, rather than buying 700-count bedsheets (that puka in 3 months! see blog below) or $300 handbags that are COPIES of $3000 handbags. Of course the more we consume, the better for the economy...right? But it just seems fundamentally wrong to spend beyond your means and even if you HAVE the means, it seems fundamentally wrong to be feeding your dog caviar while homeless children are eating out of dumpsters. Did you hear about the AIG employees having a WEEK of partying at the five-star St. Regis Hotel (total cost to AIG almost a half million dollars) just after Congress voted to bail them out of bankruptcy? Nice, really nice. I say let's send the paparazzi over there and let them do something productive for a change. I'd also like someone to track down those finance CEO's who got away with billions. Let's stop harrassing Britney, we know what she looks like already and she isn't costing America 700 billion.

Ok, back to work while I watch "Dog the Bounty Hunter". I'm waiting to see the episode they filmed on Kauai. He's not as funny as Stephanie Plum, but that's because he's more competent. Of course Beth looks like she is on the same diet Stephanie is on. I'm talking about the Trenton New Jersey diet (Tasty Kakes, pizza, cheeseburgers, doughnuts). I say that in an affectionate way. I like that the Chapmans have such big hearts.

P.S. Tonight I watched the Travel Channel and saw a $1000 ice cream concoction served at a New York restaurant. Gucci bags? Waste of money! Gold-coated ice cream sundae (rare chocolate, Madagascar vanilla, etc.)? I'll have to sample first.