Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Don't Worry, Be Happy Now

You know what's fun? When someone leaves you voicemail and while they're doing so, someone in their house picks up an extension. The names have been changed to protect the not-so-innocent:

Julie: "Colleen, this is Julie, I'm on Kauai and we should get together so can you call me, I'm staying at Gregg's house---"
Gregg: "Julie? Oh, you're using the phone?"
Julie: "Gregg, yeh, I'm calling Colleen."
Gregg: "HI COLLEEN!!"
Julie: "Nooo, she's not home, I'm leaving her a message."
Gregg: "Ohhhh..."
Julie: "Hey, you came home late huh? You'd better take it easy, you're working too hard!"
Gregg: "Well I had to finish the job. Oh, by the way I saw Grace and she said her mom had surgery."
Julie: "Nah? I hope she's ok."
Gregg: "It was her knee...or was it hip, I forget."
Julie: "Lip?"
Gregg: "HIP!"
Julie: "Oh hip, haha!"
Gregg: "Did you eat dinner already? Geri said she made stew."
Julie: "Yes...I ate. So should we go visit Grace's mom? How long will she be in the hospital?"
Gregg: "Ah, I dunno. Nowadays they don't stay long."
Julie: "Yeh, hmmm...oh, did you pick up the part from Home Depot to fix the sink?"
Gregg: "They didn't have the 2 inch elbow, I have to go Ace tomorrow."
Julie: "Oh ok.....uh oh..."
Gregg: "What?"
Julie: "I was leaving a message for Colleen...."

*LMAO* ohhhh my god, it's really funny to listen to, even if the conversation itself isn't funny. Just the idea that they got carried away and forgot why they were on the phone in the first place. I'm not the only one going through Age-Activated Attention Deficit Disorder, I guess! And I'm not making fun at all, but these days you've got to find fun where you can!

I don't want to get all preachy, but I've always been acutely aware of the inequities of life. Since going through a lot of different "stuff" in my life, especially between 1982 to 1992 (two hurricanes, car accidents, the birth of Jordan, etc.), I've learned how fortunate we are and to appreciate everything I have, even when I see others who seem to have more. In this time of economic uncertainty, I'm glad I was never caught up in the "fast track" of wasting money on brand name everything, nice cars, designer bags, etc. There are a lot of people who are having to get off that train right now. (Ok, I'm no saint with my love of Las Vegas and gold jewelry *LOL*).

Which brings me to this: The other day a friend forwarded me an email titled, "Voted the Best Email of the Year." Now I have no idea who voted and where this vote took place (I guess it was overshadowed a bit by Barack Obama's election), but I have to agree that this was an appropriate title for this email. For one thing, it intrigued me enough to OPEN the email. The message I'm forwarding to YOU right here is very valuable and I wish every single person in the U.S. could see it (If you'd like me to forward the actual email to you so you can send it to your spoiled brat niece, leave me a comment):

So you think your life sucks?

Funny how some things can lift you up and bring you down (to earth) at the same time.

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