Monday, March 30, 2009

Bobby Caldwell is the Real Thing

OH...MY....GOD what a weekend we had! As I mentioned earlier, we have been wanting to see Bobby Caldwell perform in person for 20+ years. We were even considering a trip to the Mainland just to see him...that is, until this stupid "economic crisis" interfered. This being "our Big Year" (Jordan 21, Len 60, me 55, plus 30 year anniversary)it was amazingly auspicious that Bobby Caldwell chose this very year to bless us with a rare Hawaii appearance. Thank you to Michael Paulo and "Smooth Jazz Nights"!!

Although, relatively speaking, Bobby isn't as widely known as he deserves to be aside from his pop hit classic "What You Won't Do For Love", he's had much success as a recording artist and songwriter and is highly respected in the music industry. I highly recommend looking up his music because as I said before, his voice is "like buttuh" and he does R & B, soul, jazz, and standards. He played Frank Sinatra in the original production of "The Rat Pack is Back" and got rave reviews.

The Smooth Jazz Nights Concert on Saturday night (March 28) was fantastic with Michael Paulo hosting and playing. Wow, he really is an exceptional saxophone player. Little wonder that he's played with so many big names (Al Jarreau being our favorite). Also appearing were Greg Adams of "Tower of Power" fame, and Pauline Wilson (from Seawind). I loved "Follow Your Road" when it was a big hit in the 70's and her performance of it on Saturday night was just as wonderful. Bobby finally came out and was every bit as fantabulous as we had expected...probably MORE so because we didn't expect to see him playing keyboards and guitar. What an amazing talent and such a seasoned entertainer. I was over the moon because unexpectedly he sang "Cry" (click here for video) which is one of my favorites. My only complaint was that his part of the show was much much too short...way way way too short (about 9 songs). HOWEVER...

After the show we went out to where I was told earlier the artists would have a meet-and-greet and patiently waited for Bobby to appear. Well Jordan Eagle Eye spotted him first and ran up to him to blurt out who-knows-what (you can never tell what she'll say!). When I joined them to greet Bobby, he told me he'd received my email that I had asked Lisa, his website manager, to forward to him. WOW!

He was so kind, and took us to the signing table where he signed Jordan's ticket (his CD's were sold out and we hadn't brought any of our own). Jordan told him her favorite song is "Real Thing" and he apologized for not singing it that night. So guess what happens next? He sang the first few lines to Jordan! Whew, a personal performance from Bobby Caldwell. Beyond our wildest dreams! I've attached a video, but it's not of the greatest quality. I suck at photography, especially when I'm in the presence of Greatness. (You can also view a video of him singing "Beyond the Sea" on my blogpost two entries down that I found on YouTube.)


  1. Hi Kauaisis. Thanks for including me in your thoughts on youtube. I used to live on Oahu but moved to Maui couple years ago for the laid back lifestyle. I decided to retire end of 2007. When you told me Bobby C was going to be in Waikiki, I checked my daughter's schedule but she had to work that night and I watch her to sons while she is working. So I emailed a good friend who is a fan (and sings on karaoke "What You Won't Do for Love" also), he went on line and got tickets right away for March 27, Friday. I'm still waiting to see if he enjoyed the show. If I don't hear from him tonight I'll be calling him up tomorrow.

    Glad you were able to enjoy without a long distance trip to the mainland. And you got to talk to him, WOW! I'm truly envious. I love his music, his style, his easiness in performing.

    I liked reading your blog, it's interesting, funny, nostalgic, reminiscently emotional. Good job.


  2. Howdy from Highlands Ranch! Thank you for sharing your CoJoBo Experience with all of us...Awesome! Jordan looks great and seems more comfortable with "Greatness" than Mom. I think that the clip turned out quite well, all things considered, with all of the stuff going on in the background. So now I know who Bobby Caldwell is and he truly is a genuinely nice person. I think I need to crawl out of my cave once in a while. Ha, ha, laughing at myself, okay? Have a great rest of this week.

    Much love and aloha,



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