Saturday, July 18, 2009

Dedicated to Keeping My Three Readers Healthy!

Usually this blog may appear to be merely self-indulgent yattering, but today it will be clearly contributing to the common good of my three (or so) readers. Not that my posts have been totally self-serving, nooooo. For those who have not realized my purpose, besides enjoying writing about the mundane and occasionally not-so-mundane aspects of my life, I sincerely want to convey and share my perspective in hopes that it helps others in one way or another, whether it's helping to choose a movie, or sparking interest in music, or relieving their stress by reading middle school level writing.

Today, however, you need not read between the lines. I'm writing to extoll the virtues of naturopathy and pass on a couple of suggestions that are relatively easy to get/do. I myself love EASY, so I'm not about to ask anyone to convert to veganism or take up Qi Gong, etc. (I'd do these myself if someone cooked for me, or if I lived in Lihue, respectively, by the way).

Today's advice is to look for GFSE--Grapefruit Seed Extract (not to be confused with Grape Seed Extract). You can find it online, or at the health food stores. It's a powerful anti-microbial that comes in tablet form (great for food poisoning, killing yeast in your stomach, etc.), and liquid drops. The drops are especially versatile and I have it diluted with water in spray bottles in the kitchen and bathrooms. We use it to disinfect counters, for washing produce, as a mouth/throat rinse, etc. I recommend googling it for more information. It's a "wonder drug" IMHO. In light of the worsening Swine Flu epidemic, I think it won't hurt to have this handy germ killer as part of your arsenal.

I'm also attaching Dr. Mercola's video on a simple breathing exercise that I'm trying. He sends out a great newsletter that I enjoy and dread reading at the same time. In fact, his is the only email newsletter that I bother reading. I don't always follow his advice, but it doesn't mean it's not valuable advice. It's just good to be AWARE, even though there are some things I'm not willing to give eating fast food or staying up late at night.

If you have serious health problems, I highly recommend seeing a naturopathic doctor as a supplement to your medical doctor. Following the advice of our ND, Dr. Leia Melead (Kapaa, Kauai), has helped us tremendously and over the past years my confidence in naturopathic methods has grown. For example, when I was diagnosed with osteoporosis, my medical doctor prescribed Fosamax, but Dr. Melead advised against taking the drug, and recommended MCH calcium/magnesium and Vitamin D3. I agreed and did not get the Fosamax. Well, less than a year later, Fosamax was in the news, reportedly causing jaw bone decay. Eek! When I had my second bone scan two years later, my medical doctor told me, "Looks good, just keep doing what you've been doing!" I refrained from saying, "Meaning follow the naturopathic advice as opposed to the medical one, huh!" *wink*

I will occasionally pass on more EASY health tips in future blog posts. After all, if you're reading my blog, I want to keep you healthy because I need every one of you!


  1. Thanks for posting this breathing exercise, I'm going to try it!

  2. Very interesting! Keep those healthy tips coming. I also like the new format. =)


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